All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name.  For you are great and do wonderous things; you alone are God. 

Psalm 86: 9-10



We believe that the One, Only True and Triune God reaches down from heaven to us through his Holy Word and blessed Sacraments.

Collectively, God’s self-revelation, comes to us through his “Means of Grace.” These are: The Holy Bible, the Gospel Proclaimed in the Sermon, Holy Baptism, and our weekly celebrations of Holy Communion.

In this way the Holy Spirit brings us God’s own “enlightenment” to us, for this journey called “life.”  In this way, and in this place, we receive new strength from the Word of God for ourselves.


Preparation for Worship

In gathering for our corporate public worship services, we are to enter the sanctuary with reverence. Once seated, we do well also to take time to pray that our hearts and minds will be properly focused on the things of God while in this sacred, holy place.

During our service, some worshipers may demonstrate their reverence by making the sign of the cross to remind them of their own baptism in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Some worshipers will bow as they pass in front of the altar as a reminder that they are in a holy place. We kneel as a symbol of our humility during our celebration of communion; however, for those who are unable to kneel, please remain standing.

At the beginning of the service, marked by the entrance hymn, the congregation turns and faces the processional cross being carried forth. In doing so, we recall Jesus’ own promise prior to his crucifixion. “And I, when I am lifted up, will draw all people unto myself” (John 12:32). After the confession of our sins and pronouncement of God’s forgiveness, the historic prayers of the “Kyrie,” Greek for “Lord, have mercy,” are prayed and the hymn of praise is offered.


Hearing and Pondering God’s Word

The second part of the liturgy is fully centered on the Word of God. A sermon responds to the appointed Bible readings by proclaiming the Gospel and its application to our daily lives.


The Sacrament of the Altar

The third part of the liturgy begins with our celebration of the Lord’s Supper, also known as Holy Communion or the Holy Eucharist. This holy meal is the most central aspect of Christian worship.  In this joyful celebration, the Crucified and Risen Christ calls to our remembrance the sacrifice he made for us on the cross, to bring to us the forgiveness of our sins. Here, our living Savior, also makes his real presence known to us with the gifts of true his body and his true blood “in, with, and under” the earthly elements of bread and wine.

Refreshed, forgiven, and inspired, we reach the closing words of the liturgy in the Benediction.

In these words, we are sent out into the world to share the redeeming Word of God with all people, even as we are called upon by our God to work for peace and justice, as we will seek to serve our God through our service to other people.